Tuesday, September 30, 2008


[This has nothing to do with this post, except that I'm putting it here. Just heard on Jay Leno, but some woman named Chelsea Something, not Clinton, an actor, I think: "I don't understand people who are still undecided about who to vote for. It's like going into Starbucks. Do you want your coffee black or with expired milk."]

(Note: This post is satiric in nature. Please don't turn me into the Neocon Thought Police.)

The Dow Jones Industrial Average today plummeted 777.86 points. BAD. Very bad. But perhaps worse than BAD.

Perhaps downright EVIL. Pronounced EEEEVIIIIILLLLL! Not evul.

This came to me as I was talking to my brother. "What a shame it was 777 instead of 666, the NUMBER OF THE BEAST.

For those of you unfamiliar with Christian theology, The Beast is the Antichrist, sort of the ultimate bad guy. Not quite The Devil, Satan, etc. No, the devil, you must understand is a fallen angel,

not human, while the Antichrist is a veddy, veddy evil human being in league with the devil.

I probably have the theology wrong; I have a way of getting these things mixed up. Anyway, in the Bible, in the book of Revelation, also called the Apocalypse, somewhere in there it says that the NUMBER OF THE BEAST is 666. Making names, etc., into 666 to prove them evil is called 'Beasting." (I learned this from Leo Tolstoy while reading War and Peace.

Yes, dear reader(s), I have read War and Peace, every word of it, well, maybe not every word, but most of them, in translation, though; I don't read Russian.)

I saw that 777.86 and thought, "Too bad it's not 666.86. Pat Robertson could make much of that!"

Mayana, however has a streak of cleverness in her worthy of a Fundamentalist Christian Evangelist out to 'prove a point.' So consider this - please read slowly and carefully; it's just a little convoluted.

The number three represents Earth.

The number four represents Heaven.

Together the represent perfection. That is the number seven. The number three also represents the Trinity, the three Gods of Fundamentalist Christianity (who are really One, but, see, we humans aren't supposed to be able to comprehend that. It's a mystery. We're just supposed to believe it. On blind faith.) So, here we have three sevens. Let us proceed to 86. Eighty-six is a phrase meaning to throw out, as to 86 the unruly drunk from the club.

So if we 86 the Father from the first seven, the Son from the second seven and the Holy Ghost from the third seven, we are left with 666.


Which proves that Barack Obama

is the Antichrist.


[OK, OK. It was actually 68, not 86. But it's making the point that is important, not getting the facts correct.]

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